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Accessibility consulting
Please note that only the section focusing on the services that I offer and the "About me" page of this website have been translated into English.
Web accessibility means that every user can access all web content without any obstruction. But what is there to look out for? And how can accessibility be measured and successfully implemented?
I raise your awareness of accessibility and help you to find your way through the thicket of regulations and standards in the field. With my longstanding experience and knowledge of user-specific needs, I support you in improving the quality of your web contents and in integrating accessibility wherever your readers require it. I am also happy to offer my wide-range level of know-how for in-house training or lectures.
My services at a glance:
Testing accessibility
- Whether website or intranet, whether HTML, Flash or PDF — I check the compliance of your product against the guidelines for accessible web contents and its usability in assistive technologies.
Writing evaluations
- When is a website, a web application or a document accessible? I provide an assessment on this, and account for the degree of accessibility with WCAG 2.0 or BITV 2.0.
Preventing mistakes
- You have a concept for accessibility or plan to polish your web contents with an accessible sheen? Allow me to check the feasibility and thereby set the course for spot-on accessibility right from the start.
Facilitating confident decision-making
- In the context of accessibility, a number of topics — whether PDF, WAI-ARIA or HTML5 — are new ground for providers. Allow me to give you advisory support and accompany you through guidelines, techniques and tests.
Providing training
- Accessibility is a fluid process and not a fixed condition, as there are always new things to discover, also for the insiders to the field. Join my workshops and seminars to enhance knowledge and acceptance.
Implementing accessibility
- I work accessibility into your PDF document or website. I may invite other experts on board, e.g. when dealing with certain content management systems.
Giving talks
- If you are planning an event and require a speaker on the subject of "Accessible web design", feel free to contact me.